Worship Times
Sundays: 9:30 a.m.
Wednesdays: 6:15 p.m.
Sunday of the Month1st: ELW Setting 3
2nd: With One Voice
3rd: Blended (traditional and contemporary music)
4th: Now the Feast and Celebration
5th: All Creation Sings
Wednesdays: ELW
“It’s not just sitting in the pew—it’s beyond this hour. But this hour we’re here focused on connecting with God. We take a break from the routine of the week—just to BE for this hour.”
Worship is for the whole family so we welcome kids in worship. Children’s bulletins are available by the Activity Bags.
Children Care Room
A soundproof room on the south side of the Sanctuary, where you’ll still be able to see and hear the service without worrying about disturbing anyone.
Church School
Church School is designed to help families equip children with a solid faith background through stories, music, crafts, and fun.
Assistive Devices
Mobility: A walker and wheelchair are available for your comfort and safety.
Vision: Large print bulletins are available from the ushers.
Hearing: Personal PA devices are also available for the hard of hearing.
After Worship
Coffee Hour: A time for fellowship in Fellowship Hall (free will donation)
Church School: Designed to help families equip children with a solid faith background through stories, music, crafts, and fun
Adult Education: We continue to grow in our understanding of faith's role in our lives
Choir Rehearsal: 7th grade to 99 years