Pastor Walch is a mother of three grown sons and mother-in-law to three amazing women. I am grateful for the life I have here in Bismarck, ND. This is my first call, having responded to God’s call to ministry when my youngest son was in high school. I attended Michigan State University for a Bachelor of Arts in Business and a Master of Labor Relations (which is basically human resources) focusing on Training and Development. I spent nearly a decade as a substitute teacher as I raised our children in Port Washington, WI. In 2012 I started studying at Luther Seminary and graduated in 2017 with a Master of Divinity degree. I served as Pastoral Intern at St. Stephen Lutheran Church (2016-2017) in Bloomington, MN. I especially enjoy preaching and teaching the Good News. I love coffee and a good steak now and then. I am a pet lover and “mom” to two cats, Stella and Luna and my beloved Marty, a small Havanese/Poodle mix.